Mormons and Business… An Arrington Perspective for Development?

Utah is popular for a number of different things: The Utah Jazz, (the almost-made-it team of the NBA), The hosting of the Winter Olympics,Skiing, astronomic bankruptcy and of course, Mormons.

Now whether you are starting a business or keeping one running in Utah, it can be helpful to remember the depth of the culture you are dealing with.

Although Utah’s economy is now very strong, it has certainly not always been the case and actually has gone through a number of very interesting evolutions to become what it is today. Moreover it serves as a model that that can demonstrate the building of an impoverished economy.

In a book written by David Arrington, entitled, The Great Basin Kingdom, the economic history of early mormon settlers is reviewed. Faiths or bias aside it is an extremely interesting, (although very dense) read.

Below is a paper I once wrote as a review of this book. Feel free to skim it or read it in depth.

Great Basin Kingdom
An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints
By Leonard J. Arrington

The factors of cultural and social development are among some of the more complicated and controversial topics found in present day sociology and economics. Although when discussing social and economic development our minds may instantly turn to Africa, South America or East Asia, we often overlook the incredible, “Mormon Miracle” which took place right, (and arguably is still taking place), right here in the Great Basin Valley. The development of formidable deserts among a destitute people could be considered one of the greatest development stories of all times.

In the book, Great Basin Kingdom, Leonard J. Arrington explores the development of the Great Basin Valley from 1830 – 1900. By reviewing the religious, social, political and environmental factors of the day, Arrington identifies what he feels are the key principles to the success of the Mormon Pioneers. Quite different from the general growth found in the Harrod Domar model discussed in class, it is clear to see that although increased investment and capital definitely play a role in the development of an economy, their role is only secondary to the great importance of the elusive passion and desire which fuel success: more along the lines of the “mo-jo” or Total Factor Productivity as identified by my economics professor, Professor Frank McIntyre.

The Mormon perspective the Kingdom of God was spiritual and literal. Indeed Arrington identified that Mormons saw the spiritual and temporal as being a nearly inseparable distinction. The Kingdom of God was to be resurrected on the Earth and it would need the hearts, mind and logistical infrastructure to support it.

Incentives of The Kingdom. Economics is based on the trade off of incentives and the Mormon theology, though peculiar, was no exception. Mormon theology was deeply engrained with the concept of unity and mutual wealth. To be saved and gain eternal happiness, was only possible through service and selfless development of ones families and other brethren. By stressing the long term, indeed post life perspective, the incentive of eternal happiness was extremely great and strong enough to endure the hardships of today for something greater in the next life.

Economic Programs of The Kingdom. A considerable amount of revelation received through Joseph Smith and Brigham young had directly to do with the economic development and programs of the saints. These were originally established to encourage self-dependence, equality and prosperity among Mormon believers.

From an economic standpoint, the different institutions and programs could be considered savings or investment and institutions for stability and distribution of capital. Although not all of these programs could be considered successful, it can be seen and inferred by the large number of them that the development of the Great Basin Area was a dynamic process that ran with those things that worked and if something failed they quickly adapted to revise or throw it out. A few of the different programs and institutions integral to the economic logistics of The Kingdom include the following:
• The Law of Consecration/ United Order: All things are the Lord’s and were consecrated to the building up of his Kingdom.
• The Law of Tithing: One Tenth of all the “increase” received by believers was to be donated back to the Church for the building up of the kingdom. This was done “in kind”, manual labor or by cash. (p. 18, 138)
• The United Order of Enoch: One of several variations of the United Order that encouraged trade and industrial development among members but condemned trade and development with non-members. (p. 321-322)
• Perpetual Emigration Fund: A Fund developed for the transportation of immigrant members to join with the saints. Expenses were expected to be paid back when the newly arrived saints could repay. (p. 77-79)
• Public Works: A program set up to develop the city and give work to the huge influx of migrant members. (p. 154-155)
• The School of The Prophets: An education program and school established for members of the priesthood to be trained and work together. (p. 245, 251)
• The Council of Fifty: An institution influential of members and nonmembers that worked together to shape policy and petitions for the development of the church. It was a predecessor to the school of the prophets. (p. 31, 245)
• Development and Settlement Programs: Saints were called on missions to develop different geographical areas and industries. Primarily in the agricultural sector although it did increase to include other avenues.
• The Relief Society: An institution to organize the labor and skills of women. This Society provided a system of support for needy members as well as a means to develop industry especially in silk and textiles. (p. 31, 254)
• A Deseret Banking and Fiscal Policy: Promissory notes, coins, tithing notes and in kind trade credit were among the different policies instituted among members to establish a self-sufficient economy. (191-192)
• Church Bonds and Quasi-Business Ventures: The Church as an extensive trust was able to fund a number of different business ventures and establish and sell church bonds for funding of those industrial and agricultural undertakings.

Although the church had a number of different effective programs for capital, investment and institutional guarantees, there were a number of different factors that could not be controlled. These external factors threatened and hurt the development of church programs thus preventing them from being successful in the economic growth and stability.

Environmental threats. The Great Basin Area was a very harsh and undeveloped region. Terrible droughts and location near cricket breeding grounds made agricultural developments very difficult. Many important crop harvests were nearly obliterated due to these harsh conditions. (p. 49-50, 151-156) Powerful floods and other extreme climate conditions made many mining and horticultural undertakings difficult as well

Social threats. Angry non-mormons would try to undo what they could of the Mormon Kingdom by introducing different commercial or entertainment aspects into The Kingdom. Many people were confident that the introduction of the Railroad through Utah would actually end up flooding the Mormon Kingdom with so much outside influence that the Mormon incentives for unity, hard work and sacrifice would dissolve. In addition to the growing number of unhappy capitalists who could not compete with the growing monopoly of the Church, there was a great anti-polygamy sentiment that was growing among the neighbors in the territory and created powerful incentive for anti-Mormons to band together to eliminate the Mormon question.

Political threats. The Utah war definitely raised people’s awareness of the Mormons and just how far they were willing to go to defend their beliefs. A number of different political policies were put into play to address what was perceived as the growing Mormon threat: (p. 349-350)
• The Wade Bill
• The Cullom Bill
• The Ashley Bill
• The Poland Act
• The Edmunds Tucker Act

The final and most deadly act, the Edmunds Tucker Act, essentially gave the United States power to dismantle the expressed financial and some religious, (cohabitional) institutions that were sanctioned by the church. Cash, credit and capital were ravaged by the church and many leaders went to prison or hiding during this political pressure.

Through the development of The Kingdom, The Church had failed in many different ventures and policies, only to adapt and develop stronger or more appropriate policies. The bounce back from the set backs of the Edmunds Tucker act and subsequent hardships were no exception to this characteristic.

Religious policies were changed to no longer sanction polygamy, thus alleviating a large amount of the social and political pressure on their organization. Without the existing trusts and financial protection of the church, members were encouraged to learn and work together with “gentiles” in different educational, political and business ventures. Many business ventures were sold off or dissolved and energies and stress on the literal logistics and building of The Kingdom were transferred to more spiritual and doctrinal unity and realization.

Although a completely different development than other parts of the territory up until that point, (meaning not a free market or capitalistic development), Utah did make the transition, (slowly but surely) similarly to that of its western neighbors.

Dissolved of much of its financial interests, The Church still remained a financial powerhouse and out of debt since 1900, growing to become one of the largest private supporters of social relief, humanitarian relief and welfare training in the world today.

There is no question that the development of The Great Basin is one of the more significant success stories in American History; but why? What is it that made it so successful? By exploring a few of the different development models we have discussed in class, we can attempt identify the unique variable to this success.

Harrod Domar: In the terms of building The Kingdom, there are number of different fallacies in trying to apply this model. This model has no diminishing returns, and gives a tremendous amount of weight to the growth population and depreciation. There are only so many saints that can be working or on involved in one or more projects at one time. Even though there was a pretty constant flow of saints and capital investment, there was not an equal enough distribution for constant return to scale. Also the population growth rates in the Mormon community was extremely high and the depreciation rates were also extremely high, (when taking famine and things into consideration), and yet the growth rates for The Kingdom certainly did not respond according to the Harrod Domar model.

Solow: Although this model does take into consideration diminishing returns, there are still some fallacies in the response of The Kingdom economy to this model. In the long run, the growth rates of an economy based on the Solow model are zero, and yet clearly the economy responded with even more endogenous variables and even with basic agricultural technologies Mormons were continuing to increase their settlements and standards of living. In addition, this model does not recognize the importance of the level of capabilities of the population and labor.

Human Capital: Investment in human capital was undoubtedly important for Mormons and the development of The Kingdom. Various forms of training through the Relief Society, the Public Works projects, The School of the Prophets and more, increased the skills and abilities of Kingdom Members. Unfortunately, this model does not necessarily identify what it was that held the society together during all of the environmental, social and political conflicts of the time.

Total Factor Productivity (TFP): Initially introduced as a measure of technical progress, TFP could in a sense, be considered as the explainable variable for the unexplainable success or failure of a given model. This “technical progress” could as easily be substituted for progress in “ideology”, “gumption” or “mo-jo”, as one of my college economics professors once referred to it. It is this variable which, in the face of destructive environments, oppressive external forces, failed institutions, high growth rates and gross depreciation, still allowed the development of the Great Basin Kingdom to realize its success. Mormon “mo-jo” becomes the most important variable in the growth function of the Great Basin Kingdom and the deciding factor in its success. A change in that variable (as expressed by the members forsaking their memberships, failing to pay tithing or continue their charitable and communal ways) would undoubtedly have created the biggest difference in Mormon development.

Although the factors of social and economic development among The Great Basin Kingdom were extremely complicated and often controversial it turned out to become one of the greatest development success stories in modern history. In the book Great Basin Kingdom, Leonard J. Arrington explores this development and the policies and obstacles that early Mormon founders faced. Unique from normal development models, the greatest reasons for success of this model was identified as being the ideology or of the Mormon people and their unified quest to build the literal and spiritual Kingdom of God. (With plenty of hiccups along way).

This book has given me a deeper perspective of the Mormon economic structure and the development of the Salt Lake Valley. It serves as an interesting model to study and follow for development and fight against global poverty.

It is a book that would be helpful to read before any business start-up, non-profit, for-profit or social venture.

Simplifile Your County Documents

I have a little sister who works for company that scans and digitizes legal documents. It is a fun little company that requires some initial contracts and some consistent employees, but appears nonetheless to be a relatively low maintenance company. I think that to own a company that only requires management 5 days a week from 9-5 would be really fun.

Intrigued by the idea, I did a little research and threw the idea around with a number of different mentors. Really, the physical space and cost of labor to store, sort and retrieve physical documents can be astounding. As policy and regulations grow in a myriad of industries, so does the need to record, sort and retrieve documents.

Aaron Brown, a quality control specialist, mentioned to me that the sheer amount of work it takes to map out and track work flow management alone is astounding. And often very problematic for businesses. This ofcourse means it can be very expensive to customize into your system. Effective is good, but simple and efficient is better.

I was pleased to find a company online that seems to address, (although in a very specific niche) the need for a simple and cost effective method to electronically backup hard copy documents and expedite and track the often maticulous process of work-flow management.

The company is Simplifile. Their niche is county recording. They offer an electronic filing service for counties, attorneys and people who do titles/deeds/property records. I’m sure it could apply to just about any industry that requires electronic document recording. (Although I think it would be a stretch to apply it in an accounting/financial records setting.)

As long as a company is already fulfilling the need, I can’t see myself trying to pioneer one myself. Probably better just to use their services. Here a link to their new website, (in case anyone is interested) and a couple of articles that tell more about ‘em.

Positive or negative experiences with their services would be helpful.


Three Magic Words

I was reading a post by a revered entrepreneur Rich Christiansen about Les Miserables and how Javert could not let go of his frustrations and need to chase Jean ValJean. His words reminded me of something that a very wise mentor once shared with me before I got married:

“Remember those three simple words and most things that bother you in marriage will make much more sense. … ‘It doesn’t matter’”

This of course is not encouraging apathy but rather suggests a prioratizing of what really matters in life.

A little thought that could also apply to Richard’s simple four words,Give it up already!

This rule applies in start-ups, interpersonal or partnership relationships and of course the daily grind of operations management.

Car Insurance Rep

In the Rock Chip Repair Business, I have had to work with a lot of different Utah Auto Insurance companies.

Although there are still several months left in my Rock Chip adventure, I do ocassionally think about what it would be like to start up an insurance. company.

The immensity of capital and finance experience to build a good insurance company is staggering. Nothing I would jump into anytime soon, but certainly I could look at starting an insurance marketing company. There is certainly money in repping for insurance companies.

This little preface may help you understand the following thought:

Across the 6+ locations I manage, there is a significant difference in the demographic and types of insurance.

Of the insurance companies that people seem to be the happiest with, there are a few that are great to work with, (at least in glass-only claims).

All State


Bear River

As a technician I would have to say that All State is the easiest to work with and Geico is the most friendly to work with. Geico also seems to really have a system down to take care of the customer and actually help them feel good about putting a claim through.

Geico also has a really easy system to do claims online at their website. They seem to have the best grasp of centralizing the number of different ways to speed up insurance.

It’s also kinda fun to think about the direction that the company is headed. Warren Buffet owns it and still endorses it as a good business decision.

Let me know what you think!

Culinary Crafts Review…

They say that past performance is the greatest indicator of future performance… (Well an economist might not tell you that)… But when it comes to a special celebration or meeting, you don’t want to go wrong in choosing your caterer.

If you’re looking to start your own catering business, be aware that there is some pretty stiff competition out there. If you’re looking for some services to help a grand opening or other function for your small or medium sized business, remember that a successful event can have lasting success.

So when it comes to finding the best caterer in Utah its really a pretty simple choice. Culinary Crafts has won Best of Utah Caterer for four years in a row.

Although the price is a little more than you run of the mill caterer, their service is hard to beat. When planning a party or special corporate venue, these guys are top on my list for caterers.

I’m pretty impressed by their website. They are careful to pay attention to detail. Like most of my product reviews, I would suggest checking out their culinary craft yourself… And then come back and let me know your thoughts…

Jay Lynn Studios Photography

I have quite a few friends who have developed into professional photographers. And a few more who have taken the leap and worked to start their own photography business or studio. This can be a very competitive industry. The barrier to entry is relatively low, but the cost to gain and maintain a clientele is very difficult. If a studio is open for longer than 5 years that’s a very good sign.

I was asked to write up a review for JayLynn Studios Photography. Although I’m no professional myself, I’ve worked with over a dozen professional and amateur photographers with business, weddings, reunions etc. There are very few which I would personally recommend or endorse. JayLynn’s is one of those. I really do consider JayLynn to be perhaps the Premier Photography Studio in Utah.

Looking for a good photographer can be really frustrating. After looking at their website for work samples, really call them up and ask them for a few references. (Weddings is a perfect example of something you really just can’t afford to mess up on). The best references you can get to verify the quality of the photgrapher is really from the references references. Make sure you call people that weren’t on the list from the Studio.

JayLynn Photography Studio has excellent work and phenomenal customer service. You’ll pay a little extra on the front end, but the quality and experience really do last generations. At all of the weddings I’ve been to with JayLynn Photographers, I have only seen the finest results. (Trust me, I’m what one might consider a not-so-photgenic-person to say the least, and I even dared to look at photos I’m in, time and time again.)

Really though, if you’re looking for a Utah Photographer, I would suggest you check ‘em out for yourself. And please keep me posted with any input or additional experiences that would be helpful to other readers.

Franchise Management

I’ve recently been working with a Rock Chip Repair Company. My job has been to identify and negotiate locations all across the Wasatch Front. I’m also in charge of hiring, firing and scheduling at each location. In a sense, it has a been a miniature model of developing a franchise chain.

Although fairly simple in its model, it has proven to be an incredible learning experience. Each location, although may look the same, has a number of dynamic characteristics. Zoning laws, landlords, customer traffic, location visibility, employee personalities, etc.

In managing this small franchise, I am learning the importance of… well… management. There is no way I can be everywhere in a single day. I need to get the right people in motion and on the right track and then go on to my next location.

I can also see how important management is in owning a business. I’ve had to significantly reduce my hours at Worldwide Book Drive, and our manager there is doing a phenomenal job. He allows me to focus in activities that provide funding and publicity while the daily grind of operations takes place.

I’m learning. I want to learn more. Anybody have any books or blogs they would suggest for good management tips?

The Big Secret…

I see the billboards on the freeway. I see the books in stores everywhere. So what is the big secret?

Simply put it is the age-old-addage of attraction. Birds of feather flock together. Karma. We buy whatever it is we pay attention. Or something like that …

I was first introduced to “The Secret” as a recorded appendage to The Richest Man in Babylon. I felt the principles they were teaching were great but it actually seemed to pale in comparison the classic tale of The Richest Man in Babylon.

A few months ago, a regular customer at Worldwide Book Drive gave me a copy of The Secret DVD. It was a very well done Movie that clearly explained the principles and was done in such a way that nearly all audiences can benefit their lives from watching it. I was impressed.

As an entrepreneur, The Secret does hold some water in terms of basic framework to build an individual’s or company’s success. From small business to large enterprise the concepts of gratitude, positive visualization and focus are universal and lasting.

I would suggest (as a Christian) that The Secret can seem to convey that you can accomplish everything on your own merit and seems to overshadow the necessity for The Atonement and a Savior. Obviously this production element works to include all religious affiliations. The secret can go hand in hand with mainstream Christianity, or nearly all religions for that matter.

Religious or spiritual preferences aside. The Secret is a great tool from which businesses, families and individuals can aim to benefit. At the least, its only a few bucks and be a great conversational piece.

But you don’t have to take my word for it… See for yourself :)

My Bosch! That’s good bread!

So, I just got done making some dough for scones and I’ve set it aside to raise.

Before I keep going however, I should probably mention that this posting is shameless plug for a fabulous product, (Bosch bread mixers) and a reliable Utah store–I’m a big fan of local entrepreneurs.

Now there is something to be said for making dough by hand. Kneading and folding the dough can be, (emphasis on the can) very therapeutic. Breathing texture and flavor into a previously lifeless clump of ingredients can release stress and build needed shoulder and hand muscle.

Aesthetics and athletics aside however, home-made bread is healthier and provides a traditional feeling of accomplishment that is just great. Of course, you’ve gotta feel accomplished after all that work. But sometimes you don’t want to work for your bread… (I know, lame pun). Even with the help of most mixers the task of making enough loaves of bread to feed a family can take a lot of time and upkeep. Growing up, I remember what a task it was for my mom to get out her ancient bread mixer and mix up several batches of dough to make enough loaves for our family and friends. I remember thinking of what a waste of time and energy to make bread when we could buy a good loaf of bread for a buck or two.

A few months ago my previous cullinary paradigms were smashed. While having dinner at a friends home, she used her Bosch Mixer to make, (from scratch) 6 loaves of delicious whole wheat bread and pan of wholewheat-honey cinnamon rolls. The whole process didn’t even take 15 minutes. The clean up was incredibly easy and after a delicious meal, the bread came straight from the oven and we all had hot cinnamon rolls for desert. Delicious!

Now previously I had never thought that I would ever find myself really making a plan to buy a bread mixer, but that night it changed. A good bread mixer seemed like a real investment. For not even a dollar a loaf you can make perfect dough everytime. The Bosch Mixer comes with plenty of recipes and most Bosch distributors will also carry all of the ingredients and add-ons to cover whatever baking dreams you can stir up. It’s more than a K Tech or Kitchen aid. But the investment is clear… We’ve already planned it into our budget in my new household.

Most people will agree that Utah is the land of food storage and the like. It goes to reason that we also have the most stocked and successful Bosch Outlets in the US.

Don’t take my word for it. Check the website of one of the biggest Bosch Distributors in Utah, (and on the web). Or stop by their store in Orem Utah and see for yourself how a good bread mixer can be therapeutic and economic….

Wow, this was a little longer of an entry than I thought. Bread is a serious commodity.

Gotta run and check on my scones.

Let me know what you think about your experiences.

Dick Cheney Comes to BYU

It was fun to the relatively small town of Provo all a buzz. Vice-President Dick Cheney was coming and you could tell. Pro Cheney demonstrations, (cleverly illustrated as Pro-Freedom rallies) were located on one side of while Anti-Cheney, (Happily staged as Freedom to Assemble rallies) were found on the other.

As a Alumni of BYU, and attending with my wife’s graduating class, I found graduation ceremonies simply spectacular. My experience in international trade and business also stirred in me a curiosity to see the man whom is such a key player in American Politics and also a controversial character in International Enterprise and domestic business policy.

The messages were simple carried a profound resonance with me. I am always dumbfounded by the incredible amount of hardwork, money and skill that goes into building and growing an academic institution.–Especially a private school the size and rankings of BYU. Honorary Doctrates (honoris causa) were awarded to Vice-President Dick Cheney–Doctor of Public Service, Ira Amond Fulton–Doctor of Engineering, Mary Lou Henson Fulton–Doctor of Education and Jack Robert Wheatley and Mary Lois Cannon Sharp Wheatley–Doctor of Fine Arts.

Vice-President Dick Cheney’s message was simply that you may never know where life leads you, but always look for that opportunity that may carry you to greater things. And say, “Yes” and act when you find it.

President Cecil Samuelson, Craig McIlroy and Steven John Pearson all spoke about the value of education being more than simply how much a graduate makes when school is done. But it is the value of who we have become.

It was a very fun and very full occassion.